Friday, September 4, 2009

Someone - Grand Funk Railroad

There's a place in Flint, Michigan USA called Grand Trunk Railroad. This inspired them and they called themselves Grand Funk Railroad who became famous to all over the world, and the beautiful thing from this American Rock Group's their dominant and uncommon bass instrument they play, on the other hand they said that they did not had to do like any other groups that they have to sing blues music.  But someone said that, together we stand divided we fall and it happened to them. Someone still need someone. 

Why, oh why, oh why should I care for someone,
Who doesn't care for me?
I played the game I was subject of, it was all in vain 'cause I fell in love with someone,
Who doesn't care for me, for me.
I hate the game and what it costs, to feel the pain for the love I lost to someone,
Who doesn't care for me.

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